Why Landscape Problems In Idea, Plan and Design Produce Failure

Summary: Many landscape problems which can easily be handled result in landscaping failure. Failure is not a option. Check out these tips and guidelines for making a landscape a success.

A landscape is much more than grass, trees, rocks, flowers and shrubs.

For a landscape to reach its full potential – which include the landscaping design plans – it needs to be looked at as an integrated system. This includes the plant watering system, mowing, mulching, dealing with plant pests along with flowers, trees, shrubs, grass and rocks.

All the pieces work together creating a puzzle each interactive with each other. Mistakes in one area can cause issues and problems in another.

Errors in Design and Installation

In most new homes built, the building contractor skimps on landscaping plan to keep the cost down. Most “landscaping designs” of a new home comes down to:

  • A couple inexpensive trees
  • A few shrubs planted at the entrance or next to the foundation
  • A lawn of cheap grass
  • No underground sprinkler system in sight

Little thought goes into the plant selection, soil pH, plant condition, the irrigation required to establish the plants and lawn.

Often times debris from the construction project gets buried in the landscape from contractors with an “out of sight out of mind” attitude.

Homeowners can suffer the same blight with their own do it yourself (DIY) project if they do not pay attention to a few landscape design tips and guidelines. Some of these tips come into play years down the road.

Here’s a list of common landscape installation mistakes and their consequences:

  • Plant grass in narrow strips or on slopes can make is difficult to water grass properly
  • Using stressed or root bound plants may lead to stunted plant growth.
  • Planting trees too deep may suffocate tree roots.
  • Plant trees to close to the house, pool or foundation can eventually allow tree roots to grow against the foundation causing damage. Also tree branches can block visibility, and rub up against the walls, roof and painted surfaces.
  • Nailing tree supports into the tree can create wounds making conditions favorable for plant disease
  • Planting in bad locations like poorly drained soil
  • Using too many organic amendments in the hole when planting a tree may create plant nutrient deficiencies.
  • Putting grass and flowerbeds or shrubs on the same irrigation zone may cause over watering of shrubs and flowers.

Failure From Excess

In general many landscapes never succeed because of improper landscaping and installation.

The other side of failure in the landscape just as many houseplants find their demise comes from over excess. Excess watering or irrigation, chemical use and over fertilization can all play a part directly and indirectly in landscape problems.

At times it comes down to landscape management issues. Like the following:

  • Incorrect application or incorrect maintenance of mulch
  • Failure to manage irrigation systems properly
  • Using fertilizer at the wrong time
  • Mistakes in pruning and mowing
  • Improper use or pesticides

With water use or restrictions an issue in many areas of the country, lawns and landscapes can see some tough times.

Practicing good landscape management practices can still deliver a landscape able to withstand whatever nature wants to throw at it.

Tips To Improve Your Plant Care
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